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Scarlatti Plays Beethoven

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00:00 / 04:40

Author Comments

Me playing Pathetique Sonata, II. There are small technical things, but it was one take.

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of what i could hear

this piece was WONDERFUL. I could not hear it well because it is a little quiet AND my speakers are outta whack so I had to jam my headphones as far into my ears as I could before they bled to hear it. But that's not entirely your fault, in fact it probably isn't ur fault in anyway. Great playing. I was bound to like this in the first place anyway becasue I like Beethoven's music alot I just don't get to hear it all of my times that I wouldhave liked to hear it. Great song though, some of the best pieces are always at the bottom in the classical genre, it honestly confuses me, bu tif u could maybe use a programm or something to enhance the volume, I'd appreciate it so I could hear this in its full glory.

Very nice.

It only comes out of one speaker, and it's a bit quiet, but it's nice. I don't understand why such a low score is given. It's a very nice song! Certainly not nice as the other movements, though. My favourite was the first movement.

damn this is a tad too quiet lol

at 00:18, u forgot to play a note in the right hand
thers also a lot of sustain... a little too much
the triplet part at 00:34 should be staccato but u sustained thru it lol
also the melody should stand out more as oppsed to the up down up down rhythm
also make sure u play the consecutive eighth notes quieter
2:40, u have a nice sense of dynamics
at 3:18, when i play it, i like to ritard into the main melodic refrain and stay at a slow tempo
u played it a little too fast
sounds like u have a pretty nice piano
sounds similar to a yamaha
o and also, next time u play this song anywhere else, have a more legato sense in the ending chords.

Thats just the way i would wanna hear it played. thats how i do it
and also, try to play the first movement!
its one of my favorite movements of all his sonatas. not to be boastful, but its actually not as hard as it seems at first sight.
tho the tremolos in the low left hand can cause problems tempo-wise and syncopation-wise.

anyways, i enjoyed listening to this!
great job playing this
sounds wonderful
i would love to hear classical pieces in the future...
o and respond to this... wut duz ur repertoire consist of? just curious :-)

The #1 piano fan

Scarlatti responds:

My synthesizer is flattered to be compared to a Yamaha. I played it on my Fantom X8, recording into SoundForge. And I knew about the note(s) I missed, but it was a one take thing.

I can tell from your commentary you know the piece well, and all of your thoughts are helpful, except the one about the end chords. I find playing them legato is less satisfying, it rather leaves you hanging. And the staccato effect leads well into the 3rd Movement.

As far as my repertoire: Bits and pieces. The beginning page of the Moonlight Sonata III, as well as the ending section, parts of the Pathetique I, which is not extremely difficult, but intimidating nonetheless, a Bagatelle or two, the Raindrop prelude, a lot of shoddy improv, themes I've heard somewhere before, etc. Bach's Invention 1, which I was very glad to be done learning, but which I play fairly often now. You'd have to sit and listen to me, actually. I can never remember everything, though I don't know that much.

I should like to hear your performance of a Beethoven piece. Perhaps something from the Pathetique?

Credits & Info

Waiting for 1 more vote

Jan 22, 2006
10:10 PM EST
File Info
3.2 MB
4 min 40 sec

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