My first change from cheese to pro. Enjoy. Possible RMX, Final cut... Review!
Wow dude very original how did you come up with that arp?? XD
I greatly applaud your music here, I sense the emotional touch that makes it worth hearing. I've read alot of talk about trance artists becoming famous and talented like b0unc3; you're damn close. But always remember, don't compose music to be the best, compose music to touch the heart of others, and to let it all out, it's never to be the best.
Funny hearing something so serious from a guy named "JIM-BOB-JOE!!!"
This is a great little piece of audio! It sounds like there is a lot of frequency overlap, one of the mastering techniques that DJ Seri was probably referring to would be to EQ each track so that they overlap less, giving each one more clarity. I hope to hear your stuff get used in more Flash submissions.
Good but...
I liked your other songs more, maybe its because I like fast paced music.
Thats completely fine man, no problem. This was my first track with my turn of skill is what I'm saying. After that, came Rebirth and so on. Til now, my new one, Midnight Heights, look for it soon!
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.