I like this
I'm not sure how long y'all have been writing and recording, but this is decent. Good music. There's only one critique I can give listening to it once over, and one thing I can point out that sounded odd, so here it goes.
V.2: "kickin shit in the 6-2-3 to 2"
Right at the "6" it sound like it was punched in. The vocals sounded completely different from before and after that single number.
Other than that, just one question for my critique. Did y'all record it from memory? Sometimes whenever artists read from paper (I myself have a problem with this when I don't memorize a verse before recording it) it makes it sound too scripted. It's difficult to get hype and get into the track when you're trying to hold the paper still and read from it. Unless, of course, the track is made to be laid back. But this one sounded like y'all were bored recording it and that's the only critique I have about the entire track.
Nice work,
Nimbus The General