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TIGER M - Data Suspension

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Hey everyone! =D

This song was inspired by a circumstance that was relatively negative!
The end was positive as I learned something new! =)

This song was really done in order to dispel my initial negative
feelings and the voice on there is authentic =) It's me. =)
"Data Suspension" literally is referring to how I felt at the time
because all of my "Data" for my website happened on Ren-Tomomi
JUST before I updated everything to Blush! [one of my external Hard Drives]

What took place was that the PSU completely gave out on my just
One year old Dell! O.O [Ren-Tomomi she's called. =)]

In case you are curious, PSU has nothing to do with a Playstation! XD
Power Supply Unit-- lol I didn't know what it was either until I took the
time to learn how to replace it watching YouTube videos! =D
The Internet is NOT a big truck but it surely is useful for learning!
...and... =)

Well a lot of things! =)

The "Goa" sound of this track initially was not what I had in mind to be honest.
I truly did dig into Kinetic 2 for the first time in a while since working on TIGERM.NET
and also learned a LOT about PSU's and other computer parts
during my well... "Data Suspension!" =)

In a way--no--very much so I am glad it happened!
It also helped me to learn how to look for things
for computers which is something previously I had not done.

{ Bogus 0 - New Character inspired by my Data Suspension [oh! and this song! =3] }

I learned the joys and amazingness of the awesome parts manufacturer
Corsair and learned that not all PSUs work for all computers... but most
importantly... the little black dot with a mouth sucking in bits of blue data
is an original character I shaped in Photoshop CS3 AFTER getting my PSU
installed and feeling great! =D ['cause Best Buy charges $300 to LOOK at it!
WHOA! O.O Am I in the wrong business? O.O The wrong industry!? O.O lol! XD]

His name is "Bogus 0" and he is capable of taking on the form of data around. =)
he was born in an iPod and wonders our world attempting to find
himself. Rather... an image and projection that will be accepted in our world.

Until then he simply wonders the world as a "Data Dot" or "Dot of Data"
in seeking of "New Data" or "New Image" to fill out his purpose and reason.
[Essentially an "undecided file" -- that is capable of being any file at will. =)
Think for example he can shift into a .wav, .mp3, .JPEG, .PNG, .AVI, etc.
Unprocessed data that constantly can reprocess himself! Until he assumes
a shape and name--he is simply known as "Bogus 0" or simply "Bogus Alpha."
In short... he is a "Bogus" thing until someone thinks something of him e.g.
he transforms into a YouTube .mp4 that is viewed millions of times or a song
heard .M4a received on iTunes -- which is initially how he makes it into our
world through the route of an iPod device! Where he was born... unknown. =)
He is abstract data until further manifestation defines him which comes from...
Data he intakes =) Ladies and Gentleman! Bogus 0! =D]
He is capable
I may later pitch him to Matt Rozak as an inclusion in his Epic Battle Fantasy 4
As a character in the level to fight who is also a boss on the same level! =)
[He duplicates data and replicates his reasons to exist]

But enough about Bogus 0! =D

Please enjoy the music! =D

"Data Suspension..." No LONGER my state of suspension! =D [Thankfully!]
But glad I had it!

Forever In Love With All That Which Exists
(That Which Is Seen & Unseen, Known & Unknown),
-DJ, Writer, Artist, Musician, Eternal Student & Being of Existence, TIGER M [ROCKIN'! Monday!]
-8:45 PM (4/25/2011) [Eastern Standard Time, The Biding House, U.S.A.]

Angel Arc & Company

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addicticting beat

fun to listen to. I gave a 5

TigerM responds:

Thanks a lot Tornadodude6! =D
You ROCK! ^_^

You certainly did not have to listen but you did and that means a great deal to me. =)
Stay awesome, keep up the awesome artwork and remain true and honest to You! ^_^

Take care my friend! =)
Enjoy Your Spring & Summer and all seasons to follow! ^_^

Forever In Love With All That Which Exists
(That Which Is Seen & Unseen, Known & Unknown)
-WAM! DJ, TIGER M [SO~HO! Saturday! \O\ \O/ /O/ ]
-2:54 PM (5/14/2011) [Eastern Standard Time, The Biding House,U.S.A.]


Credits & Info

Waiting for 4 more votes

Apr 25, 2011
8:44 PM EDT
File Info
12.2 MB
6 min 37 sec

Licensing Terms

Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.