Sweet, Delicate...
I like the carefree innocence conveyed in this piece. I feel that this would work well as very quiet, subtle looping background music for somewhere like a library, or a garden - in a game or a flash animation, this is.
I like the dynamic variety in this piece. I know that this is an improv, yet I feel that this piece does not have as much strength as an individual piece of work i.e if I were to listen to it on my own without an accompanying clip/game etc, I would get bored quickly because it repeats itself a lot. Perhaps also it would have been worth trying to include some deeper bass notes? To give the piece a more rich and varied texture. For example, prelude in C major by Bach, is an example of how a few bass notes can be used to really bring a piece to life.
Overall, well done. Keep exploring the music & practicing :)