robot invasion
hey this is cool.. I'm at work and it gave me energy to finish my crappy work, I really like the change at 1:36, that's a nice beat
keep it up mate
When I first heard the Ice Lolly Land theme from Super Monkey Ball: Touch and Roll, I was amazed at how simplistic the loop was, yet how catchy and awesome a beat it created.
This project here is a Loop; and I think it is a fine one.
This is kind of a "warping" song... the song gradually changes and transforms in melody, and keeps you on your toes.
Been workin' on this for a good week and a half.
TELL MEH IF U LIEK. Post a response, don't be shy. I don't care if you hate it, tell me how to improve!
robot invasion
hey this is cool.. I'm at work and it gave me energy to finish my crappy work, I really like the change at 1:36, that's a nice beat
keep it up mate
Nice to know that my beats can keep people from fallin' out xD.
Thanks again for all the comments :D
the song was uhmm, not the best nor the worst, the robot sounds were annoying and the songs' overall song was boring so you can add a jump to it
Thanks for the feedback. I do agree this isn't one of my best remixes, but it's definitely different. I wanted to try the loop approach for the first time, so I didn't wanna go to crazy because I wanted it to seem a little more like an upbeat background beat.
If you want to listen to a really serious work check out my recent Metroid 2 Tunnel remix; i put a lot of work into that one.
Nothing special. Try to make songs that can be played in clubs. Anyway that coice is really nice :) if you want we can make song togeather ( Feat. ) and I can play it in clubs. PM me if you´re interested.
Tomá%u0161 Petrlík
Thanks for the review dude. My goal wasn't really for making club music, I'm more of a video game and heavy-metal fan, to be honest.
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.