Good effort
I can see you (or you two, as I can judge from your profile posts) are pretty serious in music production.
I'll try to make this review (or tips, to be more accurate) constructive, to help you (two) improve.
Firstly, try to research on the genre of music you're making. You've labelled this as trance, (and even misspelled it to tarnce), but I can't find any trance elements in this song. The key things to trance music is a '4 on the floor kick', or a kick drum every beat. It is meant to be progressive, as the song gains and loses energy as it progresses.
Also, learn music theory. Even the most basic parts do help, like scales and chords, chord progressions and stuff. A simple chord progression can really dramatically improve the quality of your song, I'm not lying. When making an instrument follow a certain scale (let's say a F major scale), all other instruments should follow the same scale.(which is F major)
You also have to be a bit conservative about what instruments you put into your song. I find the pads a bit too harsh to the ears, and the drums were a bit random-ish. A tip is to listen to commercial (or popular songs) and take note of how they make songs. Go study how drum loops are done, what instruments they use and such.
I'm not trying to insult you or anything, but do take these tips seriously, and you will definitely improve in music making skills.