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It was two years ago that I made Aerospacial, and now I have Hyper-Vigilance. This is by far the best work done and I hope you all like it. Also, I no longer go as Dj Rolf but just as Kaotic. Thanks and please review!

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The intro sounds like ambient.

It really does, it doesn't have much in it. There's a bit of popping, which I'm assuming are drums. But they come in so slowly, and softly, popping, that it seems ambient. When the chording synths came in, it seemed really sudden, and I couldn't hear the little bit that goes in at the beginning very well anymore, which disappointed me tremendously. The repetitiveness of it kind of works, but by the time I got to 1:50, I was bored. It doesn't change much, just adds on more constantly. Once it got to the tune, starting at 2:03, I was honestly wondering if there was going to be a tune at all. Please open it up a little faster, it's kind of dull as it is. Unfortunately, after this, it gets REALLY repetitive, and is the same thing for another 40 seconds, before getting more chording. There's not a melody at this point, until the same melody that was there before came back in. Even if something is repetitive, it needs something to change constantly for people not to get bored, unless this is just background music or ambience. I enjoyed the sound effects that come in after 3 minutes. They enrich the track at that point. Unfortunately, from 2:44 to 5:01, you can skip anywhere, and it will /probably/ sound like you didn't change it at all. The outro works, taking out individual bits slowly. It's still a bit sudden though...

What I would do is bring things in a bit faster, and have it be in different keys. Maybe have a few different kinds of synths, some breakdowns, some openings... As it is, there is Intro->Rise->Top->End. No real changes at all, just the same thing. While it's interesting the first time, about 60% through, after that, it's pretty boring. We've heard it all before.

-Review Request Club-


Personally, I'm no fan of this track. It just feels... off, to me.

The intro is really long, and I was preparing for something reminiscent of a glitchy, ambient track. The trance synths that popped completely turned that around for me, and I just feel like that somewhat clashed, the intro doesn't fit very well with the trest of the track.

I can get that this is something of a preogressive track. The composition isn't bad and the track does fill itself out to every corner, but it is quite repetitive. If you were going for a minimalistic style, that's all okay, but IMO, minimalism and trance never really fit well together.

Some variation would also be nice to hear. I listened through it twice, and it just isn't the kind of track I'd listen to twice in a row. Even when I just quickly skipped through it the third time, there was little variation between the different parts I checked out, apart from some synths joining in or geting removed. The rhythmics are very generic and not very interesting, maybe do some work on those. The samples are pretty good though, apart from the clap, which sounds somewhat cheesy.

Ending is pretty decent, though I don't think you needed to fade out, you could've just cut it off at the end.

Review Request Club

........ EAR CANDY...........


Yes - it is quite minimal.
Indeed, it is 'repetitive'

But I don't think that is a negative.

It took a while to get into it. I liked how new parts were added one by one, and then taken away one by one.

Every instrument choice was superb. Like an artist, who knows exactly what colours to choose to convey a specfic mood, I felt that you skilfully chose very specific sounds and built up an atmosphere and gave me goosebumps and actually made me listen [Something I RARELY do when listening to new music on here, or in fact, anywhere..]

I like how the rhythms crossed over, too. The syncopation caught me off guard, and anything that does that is automatically pleasing to me.

At around 1:50 it really started to appeal to me, and then at 2:05 or so...

All in all.. fantastic. Why not 10 stars? Purely because I feel that the intro could have been done a bit better, i.e, it could have started off with something very busy and then quickly fade out into silence and then start off with the solitary drum hits, to convey a greater feeling of it being an 'Aftermath' to a Nuclear War of sorts..

-Review Request Club-

Trance :l

This would be classified as a trance track because progressive would have a steady beat troughout the song, whereas this lacks a drum beat for about 2 minutes, which is a distinguishing feature found commonly in trance tracks, rather than house, so yeah, I rest my case :P

I particularly like that drum beat, it gives me that nostalgic feeling of when I used to play playstation 1 demos with my cousing, it would be something similar to that drum beat with some 303 acid sequence on top of it, NOSTALGIA :D

That plucked synth sounds slightly detuned, out of personal preference I'd remove all the detuning and give it a more clean, uniform sound, to keep everything calm and trancy.

You have a square-saw bass on top of the drum beat, I'm guessing it's 3xosc. It doesn't sound quite good on it's own, but layer it with a sine wave with a very low frequencey and distort the hell out of it, and you have a wonderful song, then simply side-chain to perfection ;p

My only big problem is that this song lacks variation, It's just a pluck and drum beat with some other extra stuff layered on it for four minutes, Why not add a break and outro to it? Or add some intense drum and bass solo just for lulz.

Can't really comment much on the mix, it sounds moderately clean, I'd compress the percussion just slightly though.

It's a good track, it just needs some work on it.

If you had to shorten the track, and keep the same stuff, it would sound much less repetitive and definitely better :)

good job.

9.10 and 5/5

House music

This is surprisingly good :D, but definitely not trance; more like progressive house.

Now I only say this was "surprisingly" good because the intro was pretty long, and I had almost given up on the song by the time it changed up. The break was good though, and paired with the snazzy drum-kit; it kept me bobbing my head and worked the rest of the song out pretty well.

I would have done a couple things differently though ><, Bassline could have been deeper; it seemed like it stayed in a mid range for the good most of the song. Some side-chaining would probably also help as well :)

Great Effort Bro!
~Dj Sonik

-Review Request Club

KaoticAlchemist responds:

Thanks for the input. I'll keep in mind that long intro tid-bit for sure. I'll go back to work with this and see what I can do about the bassline and snazz it up a bit more. Thanks again!

Credits & Info

3.96 / 5.00

Jul 16, 2011
3:36 PM EDT
File Info
12.6 MB
5 min 30 sec

Licensing Terms

Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.