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Rocks On The Step MD2011

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00:00 / 03:27

Author Comments


This is my first song i shall submit for the Madness day :3

Its not technically Dubstep, it's in a sub catagory i like using called "Derpstep", but i'm probably mis-using it, but it uses elements of dubstep and other genres. This one is more of a "metal/rock"-derpstep

Messed with both the mix and added a bit more variety due to a reviewers request. :3

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I'm no fan of derpstep. This doesn't feel like the kind of dubstep I'm used to, but it certainly doesn't float my boat.

That aside, it's not a bad track. It's somewhat original, considering that a lot of the music in this "genre" is quite similar.

This is a bit messy, though. I know it's a goal to make it sick, heavy, fast-pacer, energetic and intense, but you've gone just a bit overboard with it here, and it feels somewhat tiring to listen to it. The synths are good, but the drums are very repetitive, and I can't hear any substantial amounts of differenc ein the way it plays throughout the track.

That goes, for that matter, for the synths as well, they're very similar throughout, with little variation. The synths are good, though, so that's always something.

In spite of the lack of variation, it doesn't feel too repetitive until the third listen or so, I guess. I only listened through twice, and I got tired rather fast, probably because I'm not fan of this kind of music. Outro is pretty good, might drag on for just a bit too long, but it's a nice way to end it, just cutting it off like that.

Review Request Club


Well this has a crazy overall derpstep like feel to it I think. It sounds pretty awesome though. For some reason I can hear broken up metal lyrics and vocals going with this piece as it continues to play out itself and draw you in as well. Really cool dubstep piece anyways. Or is it derpstep?

The guitar sounds pretty cool when spliced into this mix of craziness. The synth sounds high pitched and awkwardly cheery as well while the beat lasts you out of your socks. The bass is cool if barely audible anyways. The drums are also rather amazing so nice work there I think.

Overall, very crazy dubstep beat, sounds awesome. Also does well as a boss battle theme.

Review Request Club

This is Dope!

Okay for starters, I can definitely get down to this Derpstep shit!
The melodies in this were very video-gamish; which was hella cool!
The leads in this were insanely awesome, and I really loved the huge drum sounds as well (double bass ftw). :D
The Bit-crushing effects were very well placed, and i don't know if I would have done anything different.

This song is crazy-insane, and all over the place.
In some respects, almost reminded me of a song from sonic advance (Lava Base Zone x)

Incredible work Kirbyfemur!
I really look forward to hearing more from you in the future!
~Dj Sonik

-Review Request Club-


The drums and rhythm and shizzle really made it look like Heavy Metal, maybe even a bit too much for this to be Dubstep. I dunno what Derpstep involves, but if you think it fits in there, the ok. :)
The beginning was a bit strange, as it sounded a bit happy in comparison to the rest of the song. Also the choir at the ending, I don't know about that either, it just doesn't go with the rest of the song.
The song is also a tad repetitive. It's good that you added some kind of bridge at 1:47 to give the song a little break, but still there's not ebough variety. Doesn't mean that it 's cool, though :)

4/5, 8/10

- LiquidOoze

Can you return the favor on my MD submission, plox? =3

Kirbyfemur responds:

As for the begining, i'm a jackass, thats the only real explaination for it. And the ending, well i have issues with finishing up songs sometimes, and felt it the best way.

I'll have to be more careful of the repetition thing. But it was structure more like a rock song, but i do see what you mean by needing more variety.

Thanks man :3

Credits & Info

1.28 / 5.00

Aug 17, 2011
3:11 PM EDT
File Info
7.9 MB
3 min 27 sec

Licensing Terms

Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.