So guys its been a long time, lemme tell you why.
Been releasing tracks on iTunes, tracks have been added mostly on soundcloud and are really taking off on Dubstep blogs. I Djed my first set at the Canal Room in NYC, was really great, and things for my music have been taking off in the past 2 months I'd say. Really happy where things are going but i kind of left newgrounds out of the picture. Don't worry i'm still going to post things here even if i get bigger :P.
Here is a remix of the Epic Sax Guy i did. Sampled from here: tch?v=VrdwhXNt4qw. Everything else is original :)
If you don't know about my other sites go to my website and there is links to everything.
thanks for all the support!
cool song
Toot toot toot, saxophone imcomming ;), Funny song
Oh god, its THAT epic sax guy ^^ Great workTIMarbury ^^
Pretty sick. The Jazz goes pretty well with the dubstep. great job man.
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.