Good track
You have a good track here it was interesting, and sometimes it felt differant, Im not good on judging audio stuff, but i must say that this was still alright now that doesnt say that it cant be improved, but thats more for later. And here we are at the end of this review, and what i do have to say is this was an impressive entry you have, allthough i wouldnt seeing more of this on a bigger front but i suppose thats for another time, anyways good piece here. This was cool, it was kind of like a "BATTLE" scene and you have presented that very well a good tone and good sound here, I really like the "HARP" sounds you have in here, it really made for a something unique you should actually add more of the harp in this track, and the same would go for the "FLUTE" So anyways goodtune here could be used for alot of differant situations in movies and games, but overall this was pretty good.
And for improvments its always hard to judge on stuff from the audio portal but i guess that withsome slight changes anything can be better so ill post up a few ideas unless its totally not in your interest, but besides that here you go. So some ideas i was throwing around that could use some focus like, more use of the harp and flute to give it some depth.