0:00 Hmm, interesting riffs. That bass is pretty good.
0:15 This thing is unexpected. Psychedelic.
0:30 Something about this doesn't quite *hit*. I mean, it's good, but it doesn't take me places.
0:55 I can't help but admire your esotericism though. It's very different, esp. for a site such as this. Good quality recording too. Good stuff.
So, yeah. Good loop. It loops well, too. The chords go nice, and riff is interesting, but something about it seems off a bit. I mean, I listen to avante-garde stuff, but it doesn't seem to be connecting with me at the moment. Also, I would like to see some variation in the loop. But the recording quality and mixing are pretty splendid. We need more recorded music on NG, so this is great.