Thanks for your extensive review on one of my songs.
I will keep everything said in mind. I'm sure it will improve my song a lot.
You asked me to review one of your songs. I'm not very experienced with reviewing but I'll give it a try.
I chose this song because I just love epic piano melody's like the one that starts at 1:05! Also that weird chord progression you chose worked out really well. And on top of that, you made a very good balance between the lows, mids and highs. Something I have huge trouble with.
All with all, great job! This is some very nice music if you ask me.
There is one thing I want to say. Since I'm a drummer myself, it stands out for me that the drums are the same the whole song. Same rythm, no tasty breaks. Maybe try switching the drum pattern when a new part of the song begins. That will make this song even greater then it was.
Keep doing the nice work, and I'll be happy to know when you finish a new song ;)