DAMN IT. I wanted the bass guitar and drums to kick in so bad. SO BAD.
Please finish this. Or I'll have to murder this chinchilla.
Well Metal portal...it's been a while...
This is only a small sample, and not a whole song. No vox, no synth, no drums, just some plain ol chuggin ass riffs. Hope you enjoy :D
DAMN IT. I wanted the bass guitar and drums to kick in so bad. SO BAD.
Please finish this. Or I'll have to murder this chinchilla.
:D sounds sick! cant wait to hear it in a song!
Please! do something epic. I can see this being epic.... very quickly.
lol. I've kinda stepped away from metal for a while because I don't have any drums. But If I do come out with a full length version of this (and I probably will because I'm a retard) I'll pm you.
Thanks for the comment :D
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.