This was great, reminded me of Ephixa's Space Weed, great wubbin bro.
Another shitty dubstep song for y'alls. I made this just for you. <3
Facebook : ages/BrAxTrax/20431882297 1079
This was great, reminded me of Ephixa's Space Weed, great wubbin bro.
Is that voice from taffin. if it was then involve the classic THEN MAYBE YOU SHOULDN'T BE LIVING HEEEEAAAAHH. Thanks to that its 4
ive been a huge slipknot fan forever this pretty much made my day thank you
Great piece of work friend. I'm curious, what is the "I don't understand what you're saying" from?
It's from an interview Corey Taylor was in, just search up "Funny Corey Taylor interview" on youtube.
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.