Nice and calm :)
Forgot about the troll below me, I'd say good job :)
I made this one as practice for composing melodies and creating harmonies. My goal was simply to create something that sounds melodically good to my ears, and after touching it up for a while I was finally satisfied. Looking back, it's a pretty simple composition and though I could have added more to it, I wanted to wrap it up while I was still in familiar territory so I could focus on my next thing. I used piano because it's one of my favorite sounds to hear mixed into a modern track (that and guitar), and also because I felt it would be easier to start practicing with piano than to go all out with rock or techno. Anyway, enjoy!
Nice and calm :)
Forgot about the troll below me, I'd say good job :)
Thanks for the kind words, I appreciate it.
This is isn't cool.
Not your thing, I suppose?
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.