So, if you didn't know, one of my favorite pastimes is to watch legit speedruns on . It should also come as no surprise that I'm a huge mega man fan (hence this project, derp!), so yesterday, I watched the speedruns for Mega Man 1 through 6 back to back. After that I was so fired up I just had to write some more music.
This is the second Dr. Wily song for the project, when you're actually inside of the bowels of the castle. Some of the ideas that I liked for this one was placing this against a vertically auto scrolling stage, where you had to climb ladders and such to avoid falling off of the bottom of the stage. But SPEED IT UP, so it's frantic and difficult (Mega Man 9-10, anyone?)
Rest of the finished project is here:
http://jackchandler.bandc s-castle
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.