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Super Twilight 64

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Arrangement: SuperPsyguy
Vocals: SerenaMidori

Twilight voice: Rina-Chan

"Bob-omb battlefield" is © Nintendo

Dear Princess Celestia, here's what I learned today!

Come on down to the old library! Which just happens to be a big tree
Inside youâEUTMll find, books of all kinds, of that I can guarantee
Everything is so tidy and neat, every bookshelf is stocked and complete
Spike writes down her thoughts, but only with lots of easy words
(~Cause heâEUTMs dumb!)

If youâEUTMve seen all the books that sheâEUTMs read, youâEUTMd agree that she is an egghead
She never had friends, just ink and pens, spent time studying instead
She thought it would all go downhill, when she was sent to Ponyville
These crazy mares, made her theirs, and now sheâEUTMs stuck
(TheyâEUTMre insane!)

Every single day they drive her up the wall
She can never read or concentrate at all
She writes to Celestia 'bout what sheâEUTMs learned
If a letter didnâEUTMt show, sheâEUTMd be concerned

SheâEUTMs the brains of the team
Follow her strict regime
If things donâEUTMt go as planned
SheâEUTMll overreact
Under stress she canâEUTMt work
And sheâEUTMs kind of a jerk
If she canâEUTMt understand
SheâEUTMll burst into flames!

Back when she was just a foal, learning magic was her only goal
Try as she might, it just wasnâEUTMt right, and that magic took its toll
But thanks to a Sonic Rainboom, that shook up the whole testing room
She got a lift, and found her gift of great magic
(Cutie mark!)

She helps every single filly, when theyâEUTMre off task and silly
Solver of crime, traveler of time, making checklists in her sleep
Her job as an organizer, is actually fun for her
Much better than, way back when, in Canterlot

A pony that is prompt and on time, thereâEUTMs no doubt
Whenever a deadlineâEUTMs missed, it freaks her out
Jumping to conclusions that are usually wrong
She gets even crazier than Tara Strong!

Even if sheâEUTMs sad and down
She will not get pushed around
Make a threat to her friends
She will buck you up
Her power is not a trick
Element of Magic
Together in the end

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for some reason I can hardly listen to this uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

What The Crap???

Great lyrics and singing befitting both Twilight Sparkle and the original theme.

Really good.


Credits & Info

3.75 / 5.00

Jul 20, 2012
12:44 PM EDT
Video Game
File Info
2.2 MB
2 min 25 sec

Licensing Terms

Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.