I don't know what to say, really. 5 minutes of floating around the audio portal, and I found this. You've brought a tear to my eye. First one yet.
A little more polished than my last upload but still in need of tweaking. Again, not the most clever writing but im trying to find some good structure and sound and continue my foray into upbeat territory.
10 years later and im still sure that i don't have to worry anymore about you,
or love off shore, were hanging on strong and we couldn’t have more because
You, you see what nobody can see
And we, have routine that’s seamless and nameless and all of those things because
You know me too well
You know me too well
Ten years later and im still sure that you don’t have to worry anymore
about me, or whats in store, cause im doin just fine and I cant ignore how
you and me could only have one dream
to make them see why they're aimless and nameless and all of those things because
You know me too well
You know me too well (x2)
You, you see what nobody can see
And we, have routine that’s seamless and nameless and all of those things because
You know me too well
You know me too well (x3)
I don't know what to say, really. 5 minutes of floating around the audio portal, and I found this. You've brought a tear to my eye. First one yet.
Hey man, i really appreciate that! Thanks for giving it a listen :D
I really really liked it Link<3 and now im learning to sing the lyrics like you. that seems to be fun for me when i listen to music. Awesome job Link :D
Hey thanks so much! Im glad your enjoying it :D
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*You may not use this work without making specific arrangements with the artist UNLESS your work is a web-based game or animation, in which case you may use this freely.