Nice song. It is a very good ambient song. Most of the instruments (save one in my opinion) are great. The pacing is also nice - not too fast or slow.
The intro was good. It was a bit long, since it was just that one instrument for over 35 seconds. It sounded great, don't get me wrong, but still, a bit too long. The strings at 0:39ish were nicely integrated and fit well. They were a bit over-powering at times, though. Just too loud in my opinion. At 1:13 the transition was smooth, and sounded nice. The addition of instruments as the song progresses is very smooth, and it never gets too overwhelming even for ambient.
I still think the strings were a bit loud throughout the song after 1:15. I assume this was on purpose (since they are QUITE loud and high pitched around 2:06 and the solo). The solo was great, but again they sounded too loud after that with the other music playing.
Honestly, this is quite likely just me being tone deaf or something, but the only real downside to this song are those strings for me. Everything else is great. The glitching effect on the strings at the end was good, but I think you could have gone farther with that (ie moar distortion!). I think maybe if you had better sounding strings, over-all, most of your music could get much better. The strings are always good where they are, as in they work in the song being where they are. It is just the instrument itself that bugs me.
Other than those strings (which all in all aren't that big of a deal) the song is good. I have to say I am a bigger fan of 'It rained today.' They are both ambient songs, but this one has very little percussion and I like the progression of the other one more, I feel like it builds up to something that is better than this one (ie the drum bit in 'It rained today.' was better than the string solo IMO). I feel like this song could be much better if the strings were distorted throughout the song, or edited in some way. Most of your songs have string solos somewhere near the middle or end, and they fit in well, but I still think the strings are too high pitched and too overpowering. Just my opinion.
Over-all, this song is great as ambient. The buildup is good, the intro and outro are well done, and there are a lot of instruments that go together well without getting to be too much. However, it is not one of my favorites of yours, because of the strings and lack of drums. 4 starts from me. Good work!