You know class is gonna be good when Mr. Faulkner shows up! Based off a true story.
Also remember, I'm in the market for any projects you may or may not have. So if you like what you hear, give me a PM and I would be glad to help you out.
Mr. Faulkner: So children you see I have five nickels, four dimes, and two pennies. Now I'm gonna ask each and every one of you....which one of these forms of currency do you want me to shove up my ass.
Girl: *faintly* The pennies shove the pennies!
Mr. Faulkner: Pennies? Pennies you say, you want some Lincoln's up my ass?
Boy: *faintly* Yeah pennies, shove the pennies.
Mr. Faullkner: Uh Tim, could ya hit the lights? I want the front lights on for this cause I really want to accentuate Lincoln's face when he get's shoved into my anus.
Little Timmy: Hey you got it Mr. Faulkner.
*Mr. Faulkner unzips, drops his pants, then claps in anticipation."
Mr. Faulkner: OOOOOHHHHHH!
Classroom: *Cheers*
Mr. Faulkner: Yup that, that was our president.
Kid: Do it Again.
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.