Recording quality aside, I can tell that you had put your all into this piece. It starts by evoking this feeling of being in an open, wide field of flowers with heavy pouring rain, and you allow yourself to be drenched in the rain because you don't want your tears to be seen.
Then as the piece builds up tension, I get the impression that the person in the open field gets flashes of whatever could've been -- time spent with a loved one who is gone, fragments of a broken dream. I can't tell what, but those would have otherwise been sweet thoughts. He/she goes back to mourning and wondering.
Then towards the end (I find it seems unresolved, because of that abrupt cut......), it seems as if someone is ominously approaching the person in the field.
At any rate, I did enjoy the piece. Being classically trained, I do love things like these. If you manage to record a higher quality version of this, I will most certainly look forward to it.