Literally fav'd it the moment it came on.
Trying something new with production/mixing, but same old same old creepy circus music.
Literally fav'd it the moment it came on.
would you mind revealing what about the production/mixing is particularly new/unique here, because I'm honestly curious
the tempo automations are fairly obvious, if not rather extreme. personally, I like them. I think you've honed this style to DEATH, hah
that is to say, as far as creepy circus music goes, this is top notch
it totally has that old record tint to it, perhaps due to the tempo automation, and some of the extraneous noise, I think it works pretty well
To death indeed. I won't tire of it until the entire world is cirque madness. I'm proud of what I love. Well...I guess it doesn't matter what I did if you didn't notice any difference. It's even very minute to me, but a bit of an improvement. I guess I was just trying to get a little clearer mix that in turn made the sound fuller/louder.
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.