This is an NGADM Round 1 review.
Brilliant. For starters, props on using 5/8, and then even making a seamless transition to 6/8 at the end. You're one of the few to use a time signature other than 4/4 and it actually gave this track a remarkably enjoyable rhythm. Great job using that snare hit to split the beat into 3+2, made it easier to listen to and provided a good beat. The pacing of this track is awesome, and I love your composition (although it's clearly similar to the Mission Impossible theme at times haha). Your choice of guitar, drum and sax sounds is excellent, giving this track a very dirty and gritty sound, while the strings give this a mysterious, nerve-wrecking mood which contrasts beautifully.
Your mix on the whole is well-made but the kick is a bit undefined; in fact a lot of the low end is undefined, since most of your instruments stick to their lower registers. I also find it hard to make out some instruments, 1:05's saxophone being the main problem. I think to fix this, first turn that guitar down a bit, turn the sax at 1:05 up, and also if I were you I'd slightly tone down the snare's lower mid frequencies, because it's a really full-bodied snare that sometimes drowns out the other instruments (although I adore the sound of your snare).
Excellent work. I'm giving you a higher score than Nimble because you manage to create a mood/atmosphere better than he did, but I think this was a close matchup and you should both be very proud of your performances!
Score: 9.1/10