Nice tune, and really good for a first song. I like the way the drums appear in the middle of the song and double speed and lead into the low bass track. I love arpeggios too. Good work! :D
This is the first song that I made sometime maybe last year I think. I loved doing it and I wanted to keep making more. Also, if you couldn't tell I love arpeggios.
Nice tune, and really good for a first song. I like the way the drums appear in the middle of the song and double speed and lead into the low bass track. I love arpeggios too. Good work! :D
Thanks, I really appreciate your review. And yeah hah I might have went a tad overboard on the arpeggios but it was just for the fun of it, though I'm glad you liked them. I love how there really are no limits to creating music electronically, and being a guitar player who likes to play arpeggios, creating them like this is just as fun.
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.