0:00 Starts off with a nice, rounded kick and snare. You can hear the reverb on the snare; it sounds hall-like.
0:25 Slow, analog-ish synths coming in. Reminds me of an old school house track from the 90s or something.
0:45 I like the progression. There's a kind of "release" cymbal that goes on here that is nice.
1:00 I didn't like the second and third cymbal here though. The hits are too large and hard-hitting. I reckon it needs a less jarring cymbal, one with a longer attack.
1:40 Nice drop here. But again, the cymbals interjecting with such huge hits, they take away form the feel of the song imo.
2:00 There's this nice "glitchy" thing the hat does on every so-and-so beat that I really like. The drums are getting more intense, and the patterns varying up.
2:30 OK this transition was beautiful. I liked this general part with the riff in the background, feels expansive like you're in a cathedral. Those glitching hi-hats are still perpetuating the ambient landscape. I kind of like the mixing of the drums you've done here.
3:15 The riff is escalating. I like the slow escalating nature of the riff. And you can tell exactly when it's going to drop at any moment due to sufficient build-ups.
3:40 There's some nice 3rd-note synths going on or something. Gives a kind of variance to the track that makes its progression appealing. Plus I like the delay you've got going on on this synth.
4:20 Wow that was weird timing of the cymbal. Not sure if I liked that. It was like in 3rds.
4:40 That build-up before the drop is nice, but I don't feel the drop is satisfying enough in this scenario.
5:10 Would like a little bit more of a change here, it's getting same-ish.
5:30 OK yeah taht was a really nice change. Well done. Keeping my interest in the song. I like how it's consistently entertaining throughout. The mixing is comfortable on mine ears.
6:00 The hi-hats can get jarring after a while. It might pay to switch them up once in a while.
6:30 More build-up. It would be nice to have a more epic riff introduce itself perhaps earlier in the track.
6:55 But this is a nice ending. Smooth yet sultry.
7:05 Nice ambient reverb for ending.
Overall a great progressive track with a nice ambience, and good analog-esque synths. It was entertaining throughout, although some of the drops I felt were anti-climactic, and the riffs lacked a certain epicness too them. Also some of the cymbals had too much high-end I think and were too jarring, just coming out of nowhere. The delay on the cymbals helped it to blend in, but personally I'd reconsider the cymbal sounds. The hi-hats were a really nice addition at first, but I felt perhaps they needed to be changed up somewhat over the course of the song from the moment they were introduced. Perhaps bringing in an alternate hi-hat sound would have been nice.
Very cool progressive track.
This has been your ~Review 4 Review~!