I searched "slow song with drop" and found this ;-;
Alright, for this remix, I decided to go with an Electro House remix because I saw that the original's tempo was nearest to 128BPM so I didn't want to mess with it too much (speed wise). While making the song, I tried to experiment with a speed up or slow down during the second drop, but it didn't sound right to me so I just kept it at 120 bpm the whole time. By the way, it always takes me some time to come up with Electro/128 BPM drops. I dunno why, it just does lol
I hope you guys like what I did with it ^_^
I searched "slow song with drop" and found this ;-;
very yes
This literally brought a tear to my eye
Good song for a great remix !
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.