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Bowser, King of the Galaxy

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00:00 / 03:13

Author Comments

Hi everybody!
It's Bowser again... As you know, I'm a big Bowser fan (well, who really cares?)
I mixed the Final Battle theme from Super Mario Galaxy, as always, following my style. Trying to do something as close as possible to the original, but with some of my ideas.
Let's see what do you think about this one.

Thank you very much to everyone who review and support.

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3 things: 1. OUTSTANDING YOU ARE FUCKING BEAST MAN! 2. I CAN NOTICE THAT IT ONLY TAKES A SHORT AMOUNT OF PRACTICE WITH THE STUDIO USED TO CREATE THIS! 3. I hope, that some time in the future, this gets put to use for......positive things!

this I one of the best songs ever I love the beat and the sound of it I just go wow

while this isn't bad in most ways, i liked Bowser's Last Shot more than this one for reasons i cannot explain to myself, but i'd say many others probably like this version more than i do

Definitely an amazing remix of the original. WELL DONE!!

I haven't listened to the original since... oh I dunno a long time. But this brought me right back to Super Mario Galaxy; a game I loved to play and still would love to play. But this... THIS is no plain remix. It's clear you put A LOT into this. I can tell (At least I hope I can tell). I can almost imagine the entire battle playing through again. The synth almost modernizes it in my opinion, bringing the piece from an simple orchestral to a more evolved piece, while still keeping the tune fans of the game loved.

Of course, no piece is without its flaws. The synth was a little overpowering in my opinion but that's all I can notice; it's hard to give constructive criticism when you're enjoying the piece so much!

Credits & Info

3.96 / 5.00

Jun 7, 2014
1:49 AM EDT
Video Game
File Info
7.3 MB
3 min 13 sec

Licensing Terms

Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.