What Fainec said. :0
It bothers me a bit that I didn't have time to make a Halloweeny piece this year (Grrr!!!).
Oh well, there's always next year I guess :/
YAY! Another 16 second loop, how unusual!!
I was thinking of how an acid trip would sound like, and this came out of my head...
That's it really.
The music in two somewhat similar animations on Newgrounds inspired me (although I know of some more animations here that are reminicent of each other as well, like 'Dreaming High' by Hikarian).
The two animations are these though:
A slightly newer one: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/646840
And a classic: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/599131
This piece was Inspired by @absoluteDETH, who wanted me to make a short loop for a project of his, which I'm sure will turn up on this website eventually :3
And to think that this is among my shorter descriptions...
What Fainec said. :0
Indeed o.O
Thanks BrainLight :D!
It remind me some biding of isaac music :o
You know... It actually kinda does now that I think about it! :p
Thanks for the review :3
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.