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本当の青空 - Hontō no ao

00:00 / 03:07

Author Comments


Ahh well. I haven't composed anything this week, as I've been having tons of other stuff to do (in real life). It's a bit sad that I haven't really been productive at all, apart from a few interesting discussions and such. Either way, this means I got a chance to upload this piece from late 2013!

I did a horrible (a.k.a. lazy) mixing job, and the recording is from a month ago or so, and it could be better as well.

I kinda like the piece though. At least from my perspective, it's very different from most of my songs, though it is indeed as flowy as they usually are. I always try not to make my piano compositions somewhat unlike each other, even if there's still a very noticable style in all of them.

I think I did a few fixes to the MIDI file at two or three places (as I said, this was recorded a while ago), but the playing is mostly authentic :)


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Did you play this?

LucidShadowDreamer responds:

Haha, yes. I composed it, and then played it :)
Thank you for listening!

Woah this is amazing!

LucidShadowDreamer responds:

Thanks, FiveHeadz! :D

I am in love.

LucidShadowDreamer responds:

Thanks a lot, Jordi :3

Wow, so amazing! God Hands!

LucidShadowDreamer responds:

Why thank you :3

とても悲しい音楽だよ。そらと この音楽は 同じだそう。質問があるね。ピアノを引いたのが だれですか。本当の上手...

LucidShadowDreamer responds:


Credits & Info

4.92 / 5.00

Feb 19, 2015
6:36 PM EST
File Info
2.8 MB
3 min 7 sec

Licensing Terms

Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.