You're on the right track, but looking how you wanted it to be a dance song, here's my feedback:
It's missing a lot of elements, like mid frequencies, and basses.
Music, no matter what genre, is supposed to make you feel certain emotions, and be interesting.
Sound design needs a lot of work, regarding quantity.
As for song structure, everything is on the same page, which isn't very good.
An example of good song structure is anything that changes frequency wise and volume wise.
Some parts must be quiet for other parts to be loud, and vice versa.
As for mastering, this song is very quiet, even when I turn up my volume a couple notches.
Mastering is raising all elements while keeping it below 0 db, and keeping it's dynamics.
Not only that, but it seems that there's no audio after 1:50 or so.
You need lots of improvement, but don't worry! You'll get there soon!