=== This is an NGAUC Audition Round Review ===
Wow, right off the bat I have to admit that I really love your sound design. The kick is nice and the plucks really stand out to me as being outrageously good sounding. If those plucks were a girl, I would definitely take her on a date and be to embarrassed to say anything. Er, but yeah, nice sound design. The kick could have a little more bass to it, however. As much as I love your sound design, I feel like where this song is really lacking is in the arrangement - it feels far too repetitive, and the chord progression does not change noticeably, which is generally no good unless your melodies are amazing. I actually enjoy your melodies, but the song needs more variation in the arrangement to really shine.
Mini-scores (See http://johnfn.newgrounds.com/news/post/936953 for what this means and how to improve)
Mixing: 3/4
Arrangement: 2/4
Composition: 3/4
Overall (this is not an average): 7.5/10