I'm sorry, but, where was the drop? Maybe my expectations are a but high when it comes to dubstep, but I didn't feel it. The biggest problem about this is how long it is. A 6 and a half minute song isn't what comes to mind when I think EDM. And I hear a lot of "dubstep" tracks that are like 8 minutes long and there's literally no drop. It's like people lose sense of it. And what was 1:49 - 3:43 about? It was really long and could've been cut out. The beats in that time frame changed way too quickly and was too slow.
If you've never listened to these artists I recommend listening to Rukkus and Xtrullor. They both specialize in dubstep really well. And if you look at Rukkus' older songs you can see their quite simple as well.
I hope I didn't hurt your feelings or anything, trust me, my songs are probably worse.