This was harsh on the ears, to say the least. The first 15 seconds go well, the melody and drums are on point. After that, however, the addition of the basses over that not only drown out the drums, but also make it seem like it's transitioning between radio stations. If you're going to put basses over a melody, do so gently and gradually by highpassing it in.
As for the drop itself... it's both all over the place at the same time that it doesn't have any really interesting variation. The drums are entirely drowned out by everything going on, which is odd, because I'm pretty sure you were sidechaining already in the intro (tip for dubstep: Sidechain everything to the kick and the snare, those two things need to be the loudest thing in your mix).
Your main bass is what sounds like the result of an overenthusiastic discovery of FMing sine waves, and only sine waves. The key to making basses more interesting is harmonics, which did NOT happen in this. As for the rest of the basses, I can't pass judgement because I can't hear them.
Like at all.
Which brings me to my next point, for the love of ears everywhere, give everything a place in the mix and STOP just boosting volume and high frequencies to make things heard. There's so much clipping in this, to the point that it's hard to hear it because it's all at 0dB the entire time (I'd know, I opened Audacity and started a desktop audio recording and the drop is just a solid bar that peaks constantly). I did this myself when I started, and I didn't stop doing it for a while, but trust me, it makes everything sound that much better when you actually mix and master properly, even if you just attempt it. I'm almost positive this would have a solid 4 stars if everything could be heard, but it can't, which is why people are attacking the "randomness" of the drop.
In any case, there's a lot you need to work on. BUT, if you recall, the intro is well done, and actually catches my ear. When you finish this, if you aren't opposed to it, I'd like to have the stems to remix this, I've got a few ideas to implement.