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RT: Blazin' Impact

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Author Comments

Rudra's Treasure's Blazing Impact song. Comments? It's me Reone662. :3

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Not bad, not bad at all

The only thing I didn't like about this song is the cymbals, but over all it's a fairly good remix.

Also, I give you props for making a remix for this game since it's not too popular


this sound like an ally joining song
sweeeeeeeet maaannnn

Loved this vibe!

Not sure if it's original or not, sounds great though. I loved your choice in sounds.

ONLY 1 thing bothered my, would be the cymbal. The rest of your drums were great and so I was rather suprised how repetetive this one was. I felt you could added some more swing to it and it would've been a major improvement.

Amazing job!

Review my Zelda tribute if you can "Homage to the Windmill (EQed)". You seem to know what your doing, so any advice would be appreciated.

Reone663 responds:

If cymbal was bugging you, there's nothing i can do about it. If I would use another Drumkit for these, that wouldn't either even heard or didn't fit. So sorry for the drums, but other drums would lower the score... and believe me, no one want's to hear GM (midi) drums. And yes it is original.

"You seem to know what your doing, so any advice would be appreciated."

-Okay what exactly you mean by this?
Thanks for the review though.

Credits & Info

Waiting for 1 more vote

Jan 6, 2007
5:47 AM EST
Video Game
File Info
2.8 MB
3 min 1 sec

Licensing Terms

Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.