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Bad Guy Demo

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Author Comments

The following contains excerpts from some of my earlier auditions with entirely new mixing, mastering, and post F.X. production.

1. "Jaaane:" An Eyeless Jack creepy pasta audition. All voices are mine. Music royalty free.

2. "Tourniquet: A short excerpt from a Decepticon Audition. Voice is mine. Music was created expressly for my use by Michael Sutherland. A link to his soundcloud will follow at the end of the description.*

3. Agents of Havoc: An audition for the part of Lucifer. Voice is mine. Script written by Rose Copper. A link to her soundcloud will be provided at the end of the description.

4. "Ancient gods:" An audition for the part of an antediluvian Egyptian deity. Voice is mine. Music was created expressly for my use by Michael Sutherland.*

Michael Sutherland Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/vocironic

RoseCopper Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/rose-copper-572512512

To hear the "Decepticon" audition in it's entirety go here: http://tinyurl.com/hpvfpnj

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I. G o t. A. R e q u e s t. R i g h t. N o w

This is a joy to listen to. On the mixing of 3, I'd have preferred a bit more volume on the vocal track. The reverb/delay effect sounds a bit louder than the actual articulations themselves.

This is really good! I am really impressed of your voice style and bad guy impressions! What more voices can you do?

whiteknave2 responds:

Thank ya' kindly. I'll be uploading yet another 'proof of concept' with a smattering of other character voices soon.

Absolutely Phenomenal! Bravo Man!

whiteknave2 responds:

Thank ya' sir.

Very nice dude

Credits & Info

4.73 / 5.00

Nov 3, 2016
1:12 PM EDT
Voice Demo
File Info
3.7 MB
1 min 39 sec

Licensing Terms

Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.

* Contains third-party samples.
Excercise caution when using it, refer to author comments / contact the author for details.