Alright, there's some things I really enjoy, some things that needs improvement!
First, I want to say that the FXs during the transitions sounds freakin' sweet and is something I highly enjoy. You've done a good job with the drum programming as well as the beat is working well and it got a nice punch. The buildups works really well. Like at 01.12-01:33 it freakin' makes you excited for what's coming next!
But, then the climax at 01:33 dosen't really do it for me. It's probably because you removed a bunch of instruments instead of adding. As you've been building up a lot of tension with the part at 01:12-01:33 and even ended that part with a short silence (which also adds tension), it would make sense to add a freakin' explosion at 01:34! And with that I mean, let that be a energy peak. Let all the instruments that are supposed to be in that part, be in that part.
Don't remove the drums at the climax, add them!
Also, every part of the song works by itself, but it feels like everytime there's a new section the change is too abrupt. So, you need to work on your structure. And I'll reccomend this youtube series for it:
And with that, you've done a good job. Especially as you made it during 8 hours. So you're definetly getting there.