well, it was a little catchy at first, but the beat was just too simple, keep trying though, make it more energized! but i think im having the same problems on my music.
better than the last
well, it was a little catchy at first, but the beat was just too simple, keep trying though, make it more energized! but i think im having the same problems on my music.
Very simple, for one.
The kick feels a bit too simple, and your introduction is too boring. I see five different sounds and instruments used so far... that's not a lot. A bit more diversity would be appreciated. You keep your drums fresh, but not to a good enough degree - more variation with them would be good.
Your bassline needs work, and the other bassline you introduce later on doesn't fit the song at all. Many parts of this song don't fit with the rest and some feel like they were just put there because they sounded cool on their own, rather than cool in the song.
It needs work. Keep trying.
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.