I find it somewhat amusing you have a song called WhenAngelsCry, and I have one called When Demon's Cry XD.
I'm sorry, beside the point, onto the song itself!
Those vox provide a very subtle, sorrow essence, I must however comment on that lead synth you have in the background, I kinda felt that they bled the emotional impact from the piece.
I wonder if you had added some nice church bells, some nice deep tower bells, if this song would have sounded sadder. Bells and angels in torment seem to go very well in a song.
In any case, really good stuff IamMark. You may not remember, but long time ago I reviewed the first WeepingSouls on my MaestroSorrow account, i'm going to jump onto that song right now, and see what you have done with it!
Keep up the good fight IamMark, keep em coming!