Hello! Time for your review of a few points I think could be improved.
Points of Goodness:
-Your instrument selection is wonderful, and holy crap it's a salsa. Yaaaaay!
-Also, that intro was awesome - that could have been made into its own song.
-Your rhythms and rhythmic playing is wonderful.
Points of Improvement:
-Darnit, you really really need to improve the realism of those trumpets. The ideas with them are great, but the actual samples are not there yet - try tweaking them a bit for some extra grace notes and adjusting velocities (or have round robin samples) so notes don't sound identical when repeated.
-Okay, this REALLY needs a midsection. Best thing would have been to have a midsection that goes back to the piano for a bit.
-Sadly, this starts feeling very very repetitive. It's not that the composition is bad, the feel of the music and use of the instruments is very repetitive overall.