Beats beat up the beat... what?
nice tune! its got a nice... flow.
yeah i know it's been some time.
btw greetings audience, thanks for stoping by
like i said a few.... or maybe some months ago,
m retirement is near,
the next song after this will be my last,
and if i remember correctly i was gonna explain why
but, i don't want to keep it as a mystery,
after the song i'll try to upload a recorded audio
so i can say good byes to everyone,
BTW thanks for the support and the rantings, ETC,
i been doing what i like, with no problems (well almost)
and i feel satisfied with my dismisal,
more like accomplished,
so back to the track......
I was gonna called it freestyle, lel.
the mood i had for this one was fu@$% it,
so it kinda went with the flow, and ideas, then why not flow...
simplier and straight forward,
so yeah there's not too much thought to this song, since back on
cycle album i really fried my brain, (not litteraly)
but you know what i mean,
so yeah hope you enjoy the track
and once again thanks for stoping by
see ya on the last track
You may only use this piece for commercial purposes if your work is a web-based game or animation, otherwise you must make specific arrangements with the artist.