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Yugoslavia 1982

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Imagine you're a kid on a bike chased by bad guys, and you are also very drunk and like to sing balkan folk songs to get drunk and party to.

Brass by Orchestral Companion Brass

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Really nice

I like the work here the sound just comes at you with some intense pleasure I really liked the fade out in this piece and I thaught you could have gone with some more fade outs

Some added fade outs would have been cool


I like the angry, staccato bass sounds. A lot of the effects here are really cool, like the twittering sound at :08. Nice rhythmic work with the hi-hats too. As for the reverb-heavy crash-equivalent at :15, I think you overdid it a bit. It just consumes the texture for the couple seconds after it comes in. The dark mood and brass hits here are pretty cool, but I think my main complaint with this piece is that it’s lacking compositionally. Far from being a structurally complete piece, it only has one engaging moment of climax with the brass melody at :46 before a hurried, lazy fade-out. Rhythmic, staccato elements dominate the texture, and the harmonic framework is not sufficiently fleshed out for my tastes. Is the track bad? Certainly not. Have you earned a scout? Yes. But I wanted to see you do a lot more with the composition here. Keep at it, Chickenizer!

Mixing, mastering, and balance
Structure, transitions, phrasing, and variety
Melody, tonality, harmony, and texture
Instrumentation and sound design
Emotion, atmosphere, and catchiness
Originality and uniqueness
Overall (how do the elements above interact?)
Composite score

Chickenizer responds:

Hi TaintedLogic, thank you for listening and the comprehensive, constructive feedback!

Excuse Mode ON: I only had an hour to make this, and so decided that the best course of action would be to spontaneously synthesize a synthwave soundtrack cue (hence the fade-out at the end, where it would supposedly loop back should it play with some visual media like a video game).

But, excuses aside, I should have definitely worked on that one longer. And I too think that the structure is the one aspect of the track that is hurting it the most.

Also, I really don't think I should've cut so much lows on the brass. D'oh.

Still, I'm glad you found value in this – I should really call it by it's name – sketch.

I'm glad I earned my place for a scout! So if we are both scouts, tell me, when do we start selling cookies? Just kidding. :)


Side chain intro is interesting, but I would either take down your brass/bass, or bring up your percussion. It's hiding in the mix.

Song-wise, this is too short for me to really give a good score. A good 30 seconds of the track is comprised of intro and outro fade-out, leaving only about 45 seconds of music. The elements you've brought together are good in and of themselves, but there hasn't been enough development to evaluate those ideas fairly.

That said, I will attempt to go instrument by instrument through the piece.

Your snare is very low-mid heavy. Sounds pitched down. I would recommend distortion or saturation to give it a bit of grit, and if it still doesn't work, either layer a sample or swap it out entirely.

Kick is fine, but bass is loud enough in the mix that it sounds small in comparision.

Hi-hat sounds standard for trap music, which is an interesting combination. It could probably use more body in the mids.

Brasses have a bit too much reverb and at times sound mixed too loud, but I really would have liked to hear another section like 0:47. That's probably a symptom of the track's length talking.

Bass sounds octaved, which is fine. I really have no critique other than it being slightly too loud for the mix to sustain.

Score would have been at least a 3/5 if the track were longer, but I enjoyed what I did hear. Thanks for coming out to NGUAC!

Chickenizer responds:

Hi, thank you for listening and so many good words of advice!

I agree about the percussion hiding in the mix. As for the composition, I am really kicking myself for not developing it into what this >sketch< promises the listener. Not much time I had, do something I had to (probably one of the few Yoda talks that seem to make no sense at all, lol).

Saturating my sound is definitely one thing that I should look into. I'm aware of the technique, just green. Also, after all the years, still gotta be very careful not to overdo the reverb.

May I ask what monitors you listened to this track on?

Thank you once again,

What can i say exept... is good song my comrade! :D

Can't wait to listen to more of your stuff ;)

Credits & Info

Waiting for 1 more vote

Aug 5, 2018
5:38 PM EDT
File Info
1.1 MB
1 min 15 sec

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Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.