Opening synth sounds like it has a lot of overtone hanging over in that reverb, kinda tin-canny. Needs a shorter release and a little more cut on it.
0:25, that 808 hit is soooo sweet, but it's run over by your leads, the low pads, and hihats, the latter of which I would recommend maybe panning. A fun thing to do with those is to have two different hats and pan them 40% L/R respectively.
Structure of this song is pretty solid without being overtly predictable.
I would stray away from such thick, parallel motion low-mid chords. Lower interval limits make for a useful study.
Definitely pull those pads, leads, and possibly clacks down a bit. Your 808, kick, and snare need to be the loudest elements of your track, and they need a relatively clean sound space to play in. Most of the space in a track comes from roomy percussion, not your leads -- I can hear the reverb tails on your leads clear over the bass, which is not a good thing. Turn down that reverb wet and cut it some more!
Other than that, decent track. I would definitely recommend a study of chord progressions, lead writing, and harmony. You've got structure down. Mixing would be my next concern, but you're getting there, and other than the relative clutter, nothing sounds horrible, peaky, or otherwise nasty. If your instruments were arranged a little more cleanly note-wise, a lot of that muddiness would clear up.
Overall, enjoyed the piece. Thanks for coming out to NGUAC!