Opening vibe reminds me of some old techno/trance I used to listen to. I could do without so much reverb on your bass, possibly take it down an octave.
Composition wise, this piece is fairly simple, a drone bass until 1:08, followed by a short melodic section, then proceeding into a variation on the main theme. Overall, this works well. Clear delineation of sections, a few pleasant surprises.
Weakest area of this piece is definitely mixing/mastering. The piece sounds very quiet and flat, and percussion is more or less laying there.
You may try applying a tape saturator or researching 80's massive snares, maybe even try a slight sidechain to help those elements stand out more. Hi-hats could also have been panned or stereolized. Of course, I realize this is an olskool techno piece and sidechain and stereolizing were not widespread -- it's why we wrote offbeat basslines instead.
Definitely see some mixing and mastering tools for your genre. You've got structure and writing down fairly well. Concentrate on your presentation, and it will take you to the next level.
Thanks for coming out to NGUAC!