Yeah! Music++
Trying to make an 8-bit styled song getting more used to orchestra is quite a challenge. I made this for Chips 25.
The theme was: ''Chips: The Videogame'' and I wanted to practice and experiment with some 8-bit bleepy bloops.
Hope you like, check out my other songs (i make variated) and happy Pixel day! :D
Edit: Thank you so much for my first frontpage!!! :D
Yeah! Music++
Not bad!
Slowly increasing pixleating beats. Sounds good and even thiugh some parts are large and supposed to put oompf i didn't the up beat tempo by the end of it that makes me jump up and want to awkwardly dance.
Oh i like this.. Straight to the point, hard & catchy at the same time. Awesome
Congratulations on getting top page!
Exemplary arrangement of bleepy bloops. I really enjoyed it.
You are free to copy, distribute and transmit this work under the following conditions:
*Please contact me if you would like to use this in a commercial project. We can discuss the details.