Pretty good use of vocals. Are they your own? The voice sounds like the woman singing in "Castles in the Sky". I'm sorry I don't know who exactly sings it, nor do I even know the artist who made the song, it's just a song in the back of my head that refuses to die.
You use a lot of interesting synths. Though I feel that perhaps the synths have overpowered the vocals. I would have made the voice louder, or the synths quieter.
Have you considered using effects like reverb on the voice? There were some parts where I felt a heavily reverbed copy of the vocals in the background would have really added a lot of interesting feels. Like after that first break down and you have that "bouncing" synth. Bwoop, bwoop, kinda.
If you even understood that XD.
The song loops bloody brilliantly. I didn't realize it was looping until the third time around.
All in all, a solid track. Well done Karaventus, keep up the good fight! I would like to invite you to check out my work sometime!