Again, loving the amens.
Really respect your chopping of amens in this tune man.
big up.
Im gonna make a full song one of these days... review please.
Again, loving the amens.
Really respect your chopping of amens in this tune man.
big up.
((VOTED 5))
Song was kick ass. I loved the drums and percussions and stuff in this song. I know you usually expect that from a drum n bass song but still they impressed me. And they flowed together so well with the synth which was also good. I do however think more should have been done with the synth then just a little loop being played over and over again. It should be mixed up a little to keep things interesting. Anyways great song. Good job.
I like the old skool feel this has, it's like Goldie on a bad mushroom trip. It does sort of lack completeness, but as you said this isn't a full track. I kept waiting for it to build into something more complete, but it just felt very cold and hollow. Perhaps that was the overall intent, but it just seemed to need a bit of contrast.
Overall, though, well thought out and well executed.
the best i heard in years
Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.