You've got some interesting hooks and the foundation for something pretty good, just as it stands the elements feel a little bit disconnected from each other.
You've got a little bit of peaking going on throughout the track, but from the sound of it you can probably easily fix this. If you use a limiter on that synth you have in the intro (and one in the master effects channel if you want to go all out), you can keep it from peaking and giving off that unnerving static noise. Toning back the levels on that synth will help too, it's a bit too loud as it stands right now, really overpowers everything.
On the mixing side of things, tone back that coin pickup sound a small amount, maybe 3dB or so, then it'll fit into the mix nicely I think.
For the song itself, honestly I think you should build around that guitar you're working with in there. Build your score around that one successful element, let it carry your beat and use your other instruments to complement it. Your bass synth could be pretty good for atmosphere or to work into a break section.
There's a bit of promise in here, keep at it!