This is one of your best pieces, imo! Especially out of the first year of your "career" here ;)
Anyways, I believe it is a great track. It has the good emotional melody, truly feels like something from a dream, where you're flying over the landscape, where you're somewhere higher than you could be outside of a dream. It has the good instrument combos, and I really like the guitar in the end part, really adds to the dream feel of the music track, and of course the piano - I really love the piano in your tracks, adds a lot to the feel of the music! Anyways, Let's Continue - I believe this is your style - a piece that can truly be distinguished as yours, one of the many awesome ones! Your music truly has a unique feel, and I hope you can, at some point, return to having time to make music and make more awesome pieces! (and I don't want to "break the immersion", but I have seen your previous reply - and will keep making constructive feedback as I listen to all of your pieces - wherever I feel it is needed! Hope you're having it good atm;))