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Diss Class 101

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00:00 / 03:55

Author Comments

I just did this with out mastering.It's right off tha pressHaterz vote down player vote up

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Not all of us done lost our damned minds...

Fuck. Yeah.

S'all tight, got it in there right, ain't no wrong with that track; lost a bit without more vocals to tear that shit up but KEEP IT UP.

Long as th' ol' voters come out to roll up this joint and smoke it, you bes' be gettin' high scores.

Good luck to you mon.


'Nuff Said.

Diss class is now in session...

Lejin and BN could take a couple of courses.

I'm feeling this track, simple, yet effective. Props.


yea it is a lil repetitive, but its good none the less. fuck the hatas. yo shits hot.

it was ok

lt was kinda repetitive but the track was still good!

nickolas-lumpkin responds:

Ok now im understanding this NEWGROUNDS now..An beside you make video games beat?An im starting to see alot of kids on here 15 an under.That it.Kids???Because tell me something how can someone can make a jack up beat and still get an 4 /12 to 5?? They be all off beat an of key an tha hihat is to load and tha kick is fuck up tha bassline dont fit an tha song start of bad an gose no where an people trying to make video games out of hiphop an so on..If you think you really good just go to rockwilderbattle.com an sign up an i'll see you there over half of them haterz will no make it i'll say 95% of new grounds well burn befoe tha even start off..Well later homie


The vocals are so good man. This beat is really great too. You got an ear for Hip Hop man. I give this a 10 because its that good.

nickolas-lumpkin responds:

Thank's for tha review mane..I'm starting to see some about new grounds when you dont voice tag your shit you get good grades but when you put your tag on it them haterz get mad an down your shit for real mane because them bitchez can not take an tell someone they made that beat..Hahahaha because you like i now them mothafucker cant make a damn beat.Just keep doing what your doing mane NEW GROUND is Dead anyway and that was my last post ever because NEW GROUND is full of haterz an Bullshiterz..Well leter Homie

Credits & Info

2.38 / 5.00

Jun 20, 2007
5:52 PM EDT
File Info
3.6 MB
3 min 55 sec

Licensing Terms

Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.